OK guys, the time has come that I've been working for. It is coming a couple of years sooner than I had planned because of a Voluntary Severance Package Offer(early retirement).
The major funding will come from my 401K Plan with a little thrown in from a piddly pension fund which I plan to roll over as a lump sum into the new IRA.
I have contacted an investment rep from ING as suggested by a couple of friends and after 4 1/2 hours I was very impressed with what they had to offer. "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" keeps ringing in my head.
After mostly lurking on these forums for the last few years, I have arrived at the conclusion that even with some the silliness that gets posted on here, there is some pretty solid advice that has come from many many members who frequent these boards. Now I am asking for advice as to what to be on the lookout for as I move into this unknown territory. Seem as if all the retirees I know are on a regular pension plan.