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Thread: Medal of Honor..

  1. #11
    His actions were so movie like. I wish there was something I could do to help his family fill the void he left in their lives. This story really touched my soul.
    God Bless.
    Stories like this, for some reason ....sometimes get glossed over by the media
    let alone this thread has many less replies than one about bar fight stories...
    sign of the times I guess..

  2. #12
    May he never be forgotten. Godspeed to another HERO!!!!!

  3. #13
    Miss Perfect
    What unbelievable bravery he showed. God Speed and may he RIP.
    There was another story similar to this one that I heard this week about Pfc. Ross McGinnis. I beleive he is being recommended for the Medal of Honor.

  4. #14
    Ya know the word "Hero" gets tossed around pretty loosely nowdays, especially after 911.. Seemed like every cop or fire fighter in the country was suddenly a Hero.
    Stories like this is when the word "Hero" comes to mind. This man did a selfless act in order to save his comrades that cost him his life, that in itself is "Heroic." A job occupation does not make somebody a hero.
    Very true........this guy is a hero from the word go.

  5. #15
    Trailer Park Casanova
    Good post.
    The Marine Corps is very stingy about awarding medals.
    Very rare a Marine recieves any honor, especially the Medal of Honor.

  6. #16
    Ya know the word "Hero" gets tossed around pretty loosely nowdays, especially after 911.. Seemed like every cop or fire fighter in the country was suddenly a Hero.
    Stories like this is when the word "Hero" comes to mind. This man did a selfless act in order to save his comrades that cost him his life, that in itself is "Heroic." A job occupation does not make somebody a hero.

  7. #17
    Semper Fi
    That just about says it.
    Thx for your service Cpl. You will be greatly missed.

  8. #18
    I'm doing a job for a hero right now. He is a Firefighter and last week He and two other firefighters crawled into a burning apartment full of flames and smoke and pulled a baby out of there. He said he was on all fours just fealing around for something that resembles a kid. Unbeliveable!

  9. #19
    I was a Bush supporter, but stories like these stop and make you think, especially with the intention of sending more troops over... That's really all I have to say.

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