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Thread: Traffic Attorney

  1. #31
    That is what I have been thinking from day 1.
    I don't know if it will help, but take proof that your trucks governor kick in at 95mph and you don't see how you could have gone over 100mph.

  2. #32
    Bigger tires 37's.... that might be throwing it off.
    Do you have stock tires on your truck?
    Any programming?
    Pretty sure most new trucks are goverened at 98 MPH. Bigger tires reduces gearing and would increase your top speed.

  3. #33
    35s on my truck and it is 7-8 mph off

  4. #34
    Cole Trickle
    Bigger tires 37's.... that might be throwing it off.
    I had a lowered truck with 18's and low pros that used to hit the governer at 91mph/speedo said 99....kinda sucked
    37's with stock programming isn't gonna hold up in court as you were going over 100

  5. #35
    If it were me in your situation, I would hire a lawyer whose is very familiar with both the jurisdiction and the law -- and I am a lawyer.
    While these are relatively minor matters, suspension would be a big deal to me, so I would do whatever I could to avoid it. I doubt there is anyway to get out of it on your own. I don't think I coud get out of it on my own.
    Also, the idea that you are going to go in there all sorry and get leniency doesn't ring true to me. There is no such thing as "guilty with an explanation." You're just one of the people in line in the same position --admitting the crime, but trying to get out of the punishment.
    Knowledge of the Court and the law are very important. I have some experince with infraction/misdemeanor court because some of my business clients get administrative violations sometimes and they are assigned to the same courts. You need to be in these courts to understand how they work. If you don't, you are an outsider that gets NO help.
    If you hire a lawyer that knows the system and players, he can get valuable information on the judge's proceedures and sentencing among other things. You also will get a real judge, or at least a commissioner. If you go it alone, most likely you will be standing in the cattle call to appear before an attorney who volunteers to be a judge pro tem (but judges pro tem cannot hear cases where the defendant is represented by counsel). To me, that is reason enough to have a lawyer because I don't think much of the volunteers I have seen.
    Anyway, personally, I wouldn't bother to fight a ticket unless I really felt it was wrong or the punishment was very severe (like suspending my license). Since, this is a pretty sever punishment, I would do whatever I could to avoid the punishment and it seems to me that your best chance of doing so is with counsel. But that's just my opinion.

  6. #36
    Smokin Joe
    "I didn't know you could win a "mandatory court" ticket if the officer doesn't show up."
    Yes her ticket was dismissed very very lucky. There were about 10 people there that the hwy patrol officer did not appear out of 50 or so. One of those people did not show also and was issued a bench warrant and $500 fine.
    There was one guy that was ticketed for doing 150mph on a motorcycle he was basically claiming it was not him, it pissed the judge off and was asked to produce his drivers license then ordered him to give it to the bailiff suspended 30 days and $800 fine

  7. #37
    Editted to delete the dreaded delayed double post.

  8. #38
    I appreciate the help. I spoke with an attorney earlier this morning that I feel pretty confident in. I don't think I have any chance going in there myself. This is a serious matter, seeing how I already have 2 points and the $3000 to hire an attorney isn't really a big deal.... as long as I win haha
    If it were me in your situation, I would hire a lawyer whose is very familiar with both the jurisdiction and the law -- and I am a lawyer.
    While these are relatively minor matters, suspension would be a big deal to me, so I would do whatever I could to avoid it. I doubt there is anyway to get out of it on your own. I don't think I coud get out of it on my own.
    Also, the idea that you are going to go in there all sorry and get leniency doesn't ring true to me. There is no such thing as "guilty with an explanation." You're just one of the people in line in the same position --admitting the crime, but trying to get out of the punishment.
    Knowledge of the Court and the law are very important. I have some experince with infraction/misdemeanor court because some of my business clients get administrative violations sometimes and they are assigned to the same courts. You need to be in these courts to understand how they work. If you don't, you are an outsider that gets NO help.
    If you hire a lawyer that knows the system and players, he can get valuable information on the judge's proceedures and sentencing among other things. You also will get a real judge, or at least a commissioner. If you go it alone, most likely you will be standing in the cattle call to appear before an attorney who volunteers to be a judge pro tem (but judges pro tem cannot hear cases where the defendant is represented by counsel). To me, that is reason enough to have a lawyer because I don't think much of the volunteers I have seen.
    Anyway, personally, I wouldn't bother to fight a ticket unless I really felt it was wrong or the punishment was very severe (like suspending my license). Since, this is a pretty sever punishment, I would do whatever I could to avoid the punishment and it seems to me that your best chance of doing so is with counsel. But that's just my opinion.

  9. #39
    I think I read the thread throughly enough. Did you say how the cop caught you speeding? Radar, pacing, laser ect?

  10. #40
    Radar and airplane

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