View Full Version : Holy crap! Don't drive while looking down.

06-08-2007, 12:01 PM
Soooo. I'm sitting here this morning reading some ***boat thread about chiggers when... KAAAAAAAABLAAAAAAMMMMMM! Theres a sound like thunder only way louder, the whole house shakes, the dog springs up from the floor with a worried look on her face, and all the power goes out, effectively killing my plan to waste the whole morning of my day off reading ***boat. Shit.
So I open the front door to see this.
Naturally the police and power company guys weren't there yet.
Driver said he reached down to get something...and in the process snapped off two fairly large power poles, the one by the truck, and one way back behind the police car. Wound up sitting in my neighbors front yard across the street. Somehow he escaped with only a bump on his head and some scrapes on his arms. Hell of a way to start your Friday morning. The truck looks really good from this side considering, if you look at it from the front and passenger side, it's pretty well finished.

06-08-2007, 12:19 PM
How's the fake wife? ;)
The chiggers ate her.

06-08-2007, 12:20 PM
The truck looks really good from this side considering, if you look at it from the front and passenger side, it's pretty well finished.
Guess we'll just have to take your word on that....... :D

06-08-2007, 12:21 PM
Thats almost as exciting as having our drug task force mistaking my address for another a few weeks ago.. I was "smoking a cig" on the front porch when a 6 wheeled tank looking thing pulls up with about 6 other squad cars. I'm wondering whats up when I hear from the shadows.. "Could you please come down here for me". Of course me always being the law abiding citizen my entire life :devil: I readily accepted the orders with nothing to fear. Two seconds later I'm in cuffs and asking "Are you sure you have the correct address"?
My driveway is not on the street that my address is. They got confused I guess. It totally blew their cover as within 30 seconds everyone in the neighborhood was outside wondering what I had done.. The funny part was after they looked at my mail box and noticed the address the poor bastards in the background were already slinking away into the darkness and back into the squad mobiles in extra stealthy mode.... Good times. :D

06-08-2007, 02:16 PM
.. I was "smoking a cig" on the front porch...
You should have posted a thread with "smoked a cig in Mccullombama" as the title, you might be more famous than Fast Freddy. That's funny. Maybe not so much while it's happening, but pretty funny none the less. So when's your court date, or did they realize their fukup and eventually set you free.:D

06-08-2007, 02:32 PM
what did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?:eek: :D :D :D