View Full Version : The almighty $Dollar$ is at an all time low!!!!

09-21-2007, 09:13 PM
So, as far as the tourist industry is concerned, I assume fewer Americans will be traveling abroad in the near future. That will boost our economy by keeping our dollars in our country. It will also bring more tourists to our great country boosting our economy as well. That's my logic on it. Unless, of course, Hillary is elected. Then, everyone from abroad will come here for the "free" healthcare. This, in turn, will drop the value of the dollar even further leaving us hardworking people to work even harder just to pay our tax bills. Just another late night philosophy from Boise.
Focking Democrats!!!

09-21-2007, 09:48 PM
Well the US might actually export some products for a change. Did you know one can actually export new german cars from the US to europe (cars built in Germany) and make some nice money on it.

Forkin' Crazy
09-21-2007, 10:06 PM
I am sure it will be off set by all the money that the illegals send home to Mesicko.;)

Classic Daycruiser
09-21-2007, 10:49 PM
non U.S. emerging market funds are doing great (PRASX), and gold/metals mutual fund (FSAGX) this week was like hitting the jackpot.
Expect oil to hit $95 by Christmas (if we get another 1/2 point rate cut):D US products won't go up much, but overseas products in the U.S. are going up.