I bought a Lavey 21 from RiverHolic a few months ago. He had it registered in AZ, but I live in San Diego and I do most of my boating in California. So I registered the boat here in CA. Unfortunately the CA numbers the state issued to me were not the same as the AZ numbers I already had. Imagine that. How inconvenient.
So we have to remove the old numbers and make way for the new. I searched here for advice and heard that Easy-Off might work. A quick check of the kitchen revealed that we did not have any. Wow, we have a self cleaning oven. :idea: Too bad I can't get a truck like that........
Anyway I went to the trusty local Home Depot to look for some paint removers......I found many brands to choose from. Unfortunately all of them said "not for use on fiberglass." Not to be so easily defeated I kept searching until I found a "Graffiti Remover" that was supposedly safe to use on anything!
I picked up a spray bottle of that and a plastic 1.5" putty knife to aid in the persuasion process of number removal.
Here is a pic of my supplies: The remover, rags, scrubby sponge, some tape and the putty knife. I thought it would be nice to have a helper, so I picked up the Saint Pauli Girl. She is easy to get along with and has big hooters.
Here is the start of the project. I taped off the surrounding area, to minimize the mess and any damage (just in case). Notice that the bottom row of the tape has the edge turned out to act like a drip edge and keep the stuff from running down the hull. It worked well, but did get a little wet from the liquid remover.
I sprayed the numbers liberally with the graffiti remover and let it sit for a minute. The Saint Pauli Girl and I had a brief encounter....
After the first pass with the scrubby sponge, it had roughed up the paint just a bit. I think it took some just to get through the wax coating. Once the first pass is done, it seems to soak into the paint a little faster. I wiped up the excess as it dripped off the tape.