Well, they've been really cracking down up here in the Delta. The sheriff regularly maintains a presence at the gas docks in Buckley Cove, Stockton. they wait around in the afternoon, and then pull everyone in to do a "safety check" and then a sobriety test.
I had passed all of these tests without a problem. However, they felt the need to cite me for OT headers without baffles, and then claimed I was doing 12mph in the 5mph no-wake zone. Total penalty: $481.25
Well, here's the results of the court date today. I put baffles in and had the Coast Guard sign off. This dropped the ticket penalty from $481.25 to $327.50
I was going to contest the speed violation, but the judge stated that (no lie) "We reduce this charge from a misdemeanor to an infraction. The penalty for an infraction is $100 if you plead guilty now".
Well, of course I pled guilty. I didn't have any more time for court so I paid the $100 instead of $481.25
Hooray for me!!!