damn that really sucks man. sorry to hear you lost your toy. its good you made a list of parts that were on it but from what i read, its mostly over the counter parts that so many have the same of. id suggest looking through paper work for serial numbers. case numbers and frame numbers are the best way to recover and possibly catch these #uckers. in the future, any of your toys that have serial numbers you should make u rubbing. rubbings are the BEST and most LEGAL when finding the person with your property. of course i think pictures of the serial numbers are even better. this way you can carry your picture around while checkin out all the bikes in riding areas. come across yours and call the police. and a quik tip when doing so, also cary a lack that will fit over the chain and sprocket or through the holes on the brake disk. if you find your case or frame numbers, dont say anything just lock it up then call the police and tell the arshole that either stole it or baught stolen goods, he is busted. good luck in recovering your toy.