So here's how it goes......................
We are all partying at the Scope Poker Run on Friday night.
Theres these two hot chicks, compliments of our friend JackPunx (it figures) that are at the party that night.
As the night goes on, lets just say that a nameless person, we will call him JOHN from Howard Boats comes to hang out with all of us in the Lavey Craft Rig. Well of course Hefner and his Bunny had a brass pole in the center of the rig, and there was this hot chick dancing on it.
Well as you can see from the picture below our nameless friend, start taking an interest in this exotic female and moves in closer.
Now of course all of us, mostly me, are talking this nameless guy and his elephant size unit up, trying to help a brother out. Our exotic female friend makes a little and I mean alittle propostion to our nameless friend.
It goes like this. You give me 7" and I will do something for you right here, right now!!!!!! Well of course our nameless friend is right up there to take the challenge. After a minute or so our exotic female friend gets a tape measure and is standing next to our nameless associate who just cant seem to get it working, but he tries, and tries, and tries.
With no luck he whips his limp non funtional unit around on the tape measure and fails to get the award of the night.
Soo sorry nameless one, but this just had to come out sooner or later!!!
Have a good day
Mike...........quick throw the man a tape measure, maybe he should start practicing for the next go around. Stage fright is a biatch