Alright Everyone, we really need your help. If you will please take a look at the sticky at the top, the marina noise issue is moving forward. LakeRacer has been kind enough to set up a fund to explore our legal options in regards to the Marina's arbitrary and illegal banning of some of our boats. Many of you have expressed a willingness to contribute and the fund is growing as we speak. However, we need everyone's help on this. Send what you can, write your letters and get involved.
The marina is banking on us forgetting this issue since boating season is winding down. However, please remember that you won't be able to launch for the Parade of Lights, for a mid Nov. cruise, etc....Plus, next year will be here before we know it and this problem isn't going to go away. There are several people who are working very hard to make this better for all of us and even if you don't launch at the Marina, you will be affected when you go to put in at Windsor and it is full at 10:00a.m....Please respond to the Legal Fund sticky and help with this cause....thanks.