The 1075 HP version was $92K O.T.D installed with a drive and your choice of prop.
This is what I was told by
Rick Purdue at PRO Boats
If so...that's a bargain, considering a #6 alone is $30K. Powerboat reported the retail of a 1075 w/#6 at around $150K, so that's a biiiig discrepancy.
HH- It does appear to be a detuned 1075. Still lots of money, but a relative bargain compared to a 1075 at 150ish? Maybe the 150 figure includes the drive. Looks like the 1075 has slightly smaller s/c pulleys in this picture. Also WOT listed at 6k rpm for the 1075.
So I wonder what else they changed? Maybe some mapping and cam?
Rumors are circulating that Merc will introduce a new drive for the 850 as well. It's supposed to be shiftable, so no tranny is needed (more like a beefed-up Bravo).
That blue paint is very expensive...