What approx. percentage will one 12oz. beer raise your BAC? I've always heard that 1 beer an hour and you wouldn't be over the limit. Any truth to that?
One "drink" =.54 OZs of alcohol. It's the same for a 12 OZ beer, 8 OZ wine or 1 shot of 90 proof alcohol.
How much a drink will affect the BAC in a person depends on a lot of factors. weight, gender, body mass, etc. The statistics used are for an average 170 lb male or 137 lb female. Your individual results will vary.
Here's a link to a BAC calculator.
BAC Calculator (
Please. Don't use this as a justification to drink and drive, and that it's OK if you "pace yourself". There are more factors at work here then just weight and number of drinks. It is always best to have a designated driver.
And I would hope that people would be more concerned about killing their families and friends or some other innocent persons, then they would be about getting a DUI or OUI. Those who do get caught should consider themselves lucky, when faced with the alternatives.