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Thread: Border Fence

  1. #1
    A post from an email I received from a board member unable to get on daytime.
    The Border Problem
    The Dogs, the Hole Under the Fence
    And My Spanish Speaking Neighbors
    My kids think that we should keep every dog they see. So now I have two dogs that I really didnÂ’t want, and find myself having to care for them. The kids have pretty much lost interest in them. So what do I do? Well I canÂ’t just get rid of them, so I care for them, and the kids pay attention to them when it is convenient
    The dogs began to dig under the fence into my Spanish Speaking neighbor’s yard. I filled the hole with hardpan, but the dogs dug in that too. I noticed my neighbors threw a brick in the hole to help stop the problem. The dogs continued to dig, but never successfully made it under the fence. Last weekend I saw that my neighbors put a large log on their side of the hole. I agreed as I saw the log that, “That Border Does Need to be Sealed Off.”
    As I mowed my lawn I started thinking about how my neighbors from Mexico, who donÂ’t even speak English, feel that their yard should be their own, not to be shared by my dogs.
    Then I started thinking NO! My dogs should be able to go into their yard. That my neghbors should feed them, and when they need to go to the vet, they should take them, while my neighbors pay for it.
    If the dogs begin to pee on the walls, we should just ignore it, or even deny it.
    If the dogs start to kill their chickens, we should deny that they are killing the chickens, and say, “It’s the Chicken’s fault.” "That's doggy discrimination." Besides, “It’s a free country, you better let them run, they have the right.”
    If the dogs should start to run around their yard waving little doggy flags. They should patiently watch from their living room, and sympathize with them. If the dogs should start to burn their doggy flags, they should feel compelled to give the dogs what they want. Every dog in the neighborhood should be able to stay in their yard, while my neighbors feed them, and take them to the vet. While the dogs vandalize their yard, and insult them, and their way of living.
    I donÂ’t think my Spanish Speaking neighbors would agree with this doggy problem. The log in the hole in the fence testifies to this.
    Upon further thought I agree THAT BORDER SHOULD BE SEALED OFF. And IÂ’ll teach my dogs some manners.
    Sincerely, CA Yankee

  2. #2
    Not another dog thread
    good analogy :idea:

  3. #3
    I agree. Its wierd how people are able to do things to others but the second it is done to them it is wrong.
    P.S. I am going to teach my dog to eat anyone that comes on my land unwelcomed and unpapered.

  4. #4
    That's one way to put it!

  5. #5
    Great analogy. I am so in agreement. Why does your neighbor not want to care for your dogs? Aren't we all expected to take care of the boarder jumpers in the US. Isn't this now a country of no longer taking care of your own but making sure everyone else is taken care of???

  6. #6
    Liberator TJ1984
    I live on 20 acres with my dogs restrained and fenced...
    stray dogs come around ???... out comes the AR-15 W/subsonics & can :crossx:

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