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Thread: TV QuestionÂ…

  1. #1
    Water Romper
    I am not a television watcher so perhaps some of you who are can helpÂ…
    The TV show; "Beach Girls” what is the name of the opening song…. :rollside:
    I have never seen the show and have seen a commercial about it only onceÂ…
    I think I heard the song during the commerical...(I don't pay to much attention to shows like this) someone at work is looking for the group/singer.

  2. #2
    Water Romper

  3. #3
    bunny 166
    I have never heard of that show...
    Do you mean "Laguna Beach".....?

  4. #4
    LOL....I have it on my TIVO....I will watch it tonight and let you know!!

  5. #5
    that show is on Lifetime Supply of Women's Pantyhose or some shiat like that!

  6. #6
    someone at work is looking for the group/singer.
    Gotta love the "I haven't come out of the closet yet" excuse. j/k

  7. #7
    Water Romper
    “Beach Girls” is about gay women??? :2purples:
    GeezÂ…all I wanted to know about was the stupid songÂ… :cry:
    Also, I think Rob Lowe is in itÂ…I poked around the web and found some info. on the show but nothing about the musicÂ… :rollside:

  8. #8
    OK flippin thru the channels last night i saw a trrailer for "Beach Girls" heard the background music. Figgered it out to be the Cranberries "Ode To My Family" so hope that helps, if you PM me i can send you the song.
    Sounds like they just used the music and not the words.

  9. #9
    Water Romper
    All right!!
    I knew comming to work today would pay off!
    Great, Thanks!!!

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