This conversation is going all wrong. I'm only here to hear & see dancing girlfriends not other guy's swelling prides. And don't you hurt Poobah! Any of you ladies ever seen or felt Boohpah's head?
And as for my cousin, she's a grown women and can take care of herself (or get herself into trouble if she so chooses). Damn, I wish she wasn't my cousin, brains and beauty in such a sweet girl. You guys were on her like flys on sh.. ! You scared her off. Have you seen the photo she spoke of. I like it and plan to purchase a copy. It may be a bit gay but I'm comfortable w/ my goofiness, plus "the chicks dig it!"
Don't worry Lucky, I'd be afraid how you'd retaliate if I were to get you drunk & find a way to put those hot shorts on you.