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Thread: Something To Think About:

  1. #1
    UBFJ #454
    I came across this and having lived and worked in the Middle East for a considerable time and having known a number of religious radical types there this made sense to me ... I post it as 'Food For Thought".
    "Islamofascists… Termites in the House of Cards"
    By: Major Mike (A Conservative Radio/Internet Commentator)
    "It has occurred to me over the past couple of weeks, with the Middle East and Afghanistan in turmoil, because of the likes of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Iraqi Insurgents, Hamas and Hezbollah; that we now live in a world where governments, borders, diplomatic protocols, and indeed, civilizations are on the brink of becoming extinct and obsolete.
    These groups, some quasi-governmental entities, (Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah), others simply terror organizations (AQ, and the AQ led Iraqi insurgents) are on the verge of collapsing the existing, and long recognized, international conventions of government, and governmental interactions. Operating outside the frameworks of established political systems, these groups are capable of destroying the very essence of our existing, global, civilization.
    While they are attacking with conventional and non-traditional martial weapons, they are also attacking on many asymmetrical fronts, many of which we are either slow to recognize, or refusing to acknowledge.
    Their asymmetric attacks…IEDs, kidnappings, border incursions, unguided rocket attacks, Gitmo prison suicides, 24/7 MSM windfarm manipulation, are designed to create a perpetual din of violence that we soon become numb to, and are expected to submit to out into the future.
    All the while, they receive unsolicited and unwitting help in their messaging by a blinded and prejudiced free press that has let its loathing of Western culture, the culture that gave it birth, create a dire and slanted world view that leaves many apathetic and hopeless. The MSM, with their crass empathies for murderous nationalists and terror mongers, is fueling these anarchistic endeavors through publicity, supportive messaging and storytelling, tacit encouragement, and continual anti-government campaigning.
    Their first target is the erosion of institutional and governmental confidence worldwide. They are not seeking to defeat the US in battle. They are not seeking to defeat Israel in battle. They are seeking the destruction of our social, economic, and governmental structures through the simple erosion of public confidence over time. In essence, they are trying to drive the international community into an international malaise, similar to the one that the US experienced after the Vietnam War. And they will leverage this motive vacuum as an opportunity for cultural imposition and theocratic domination. And when successful, they will spiral the current civilized world into chaos, confusion, and repressive dominance that will eventually ruin modern Western society.
    They have already changed the government in Spain. They have infiltrated the fledgling democracy in Lebanon and pulled it into a devastating war. They have won control of the Palestinian government, and nearly immediately engaged Israel in a war. Their goal is not victory, it is anarchy. And anarchy is their entry into power. Afghanistan the first time around. Somalia in its current state of affairs.
    We are deep into this erosion of confidence and already on the path to ruin.
    Governments in Spain, France, Pakistan, Great Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, and India have been rocked by devastating attacks to their populations. Attacks, not designed to defeat governmental armies, but attacks simply designed to erode confidence in governmental abilities. Not only do these attacks erode the confidence in governments, but they plant the seeds of populous doubt, and lay the foundations of anarchy.
    The US is on the verge of Congressional turnover simply due to unmanageable and chaotic nature of the world beyond our borders. The wide swings of our government in flux, raise questions and infuse doubt. Our last episodic experience of longstanding doubt, coupled with passive governmental action, resulted in anarchy in the Middle East, and the extension of a populous malaise that had been born from the anarchy of the late sixties and early seventies.
    Without resolute reaffirmation of their founding and guiding principles, Western governments will allow themselves to become weaker and weaker against more angular and asymmetric attacks. These attacks will focus on our philosophical foundations as well as our physical structures. Each attack will accelerate the erosion in governmental confidence, and each will increase the doubt that modern governments are capable of fighting such entities. Each level of doubt brings a higher and higher potential for violent anarchy and governmental failure. All conditions that the Islamofascists desire to create.
    International institutions fare no better. The UN has undermined itself with its corruption, its hopelessly mangled governing structure, and its feckless and biased application of its hollow admonishments and pointless resolutions. Their “enforcement” powers, always weak, have been further emasculated by manipulative governments (and quasi-governments) who have called their bluff at every turn.
    The UN is unable to secure the cooperation of these entities simply because these groups have no desire to cooperate. They use the UN as a stage to voice their grievances, but do little to try to assimilate into global protocols. Their goal is not to assimilate, but to annihilate.
    “It is the economy stupid.” Our economy is a prime angular target for the Islamofascists…it must be defended.
    Economically our markets are floundering under the combined weight of high energy prices and the uncertainties of war. Global economies are on hold, as the collective breath of the world is held, while it eyes the combat in the Middle East, a combat generated by Israel’s simple quest for a lasting peace.
    The world’s vulnerability in the modern globally inter-twined, multi-national market economy cannot be overstated. Economic devastation, driven by terror induced uncertainties is the quickest way to create a global vulnerability to anarchy. Economic downturns have always created opportunities for anarchy, and today will be no different. We must be quick to insulate ourselves from this vulnerability, or we will be subject to a rapid onset of chaos, unseen since the Great Depression.
    If the world fails to act to thwart the onslaught against its institutions, boundaries, and governing principles, it will soon find itself in an era of chaos, unmatched since the Middle Ages. The potential for a full collapse of international structure is real. The peaceful decent into global depression in the 1930s was driven by modestly out of control economic forces. Imagine the global impact of a depression fueled by malaise, apathy, terror, and anarchy.
    We are on the precipice of a defeat much larger than many can envision, and the only way to success lies in resolute action and confident strides towards total victory. All else welcomes defeat and despair."

  2. #2
    centerhill condor
    The problem, fundamental as it is, is that mankind trends toward chaos.
    Now the good part, this is the old battle that dominated the last 2000 years. The crusades predate the cold war by about 1000 years and were temporarily won by spilling the blood of countless muslims. The islamofascits are simply the Islam/Muslims of old.... with their strict religion and murderous zeal. Always the return of the Ottoman empire just over the horizon. Literally nothing new here.
    Our leaders will figure this out... soon enough for some of the free world not soon enough for others.
    Most of the Western governments are so focused on getting the incumbants re-elected that they are now simply writing checks for votes. To the point where there's little left to do the heavy lifting required to maintian a free society. The old "its not my job" mantra will be replaced with "Onward Christian Soldiers" after much loss of life and legal debate.
    Rest assured, other governments even ours, will try appeasement... just like Chamberlain with Hitler with much worse consequences. 911 wasn't the beginning... it was just the beginning on U.S. soil.
    Funny thing, if you can call it that, is that these feminists are dead set against the war.... they that have the most to lose. The old "can't see the forest for the trees" analogy works well. Guess all those dikes will be sent to the market in bee keeper suits in silence for a change. get used to it!
    We've been in a World War for over 30 years and we're the only ones that don't know it! All the while making good money and getting laid.
    We'll have to find a legal way to export these islamic/muslims, re-redefine the 2nd amendment, codify racial profiling, abolish the lautenberg/shumer domestic violence act, and modify various "freedoms" for the survival of "Old Glory". We've spent the last 50 years making everybody the same under the guise of diversity now we'll have to kill a group for being different. Didn't see that coming.
    The sooner we start the sooner we finish!

  3. #3
    UBFJ #454
    'It's not just about land"
    By Victor Davis Hanson
    "Despite the claims of terrorist organizations, Israel's current two-front war is not just about land. After all, Hezbollah and Hamas fired rockets from Lebanon and Gaza well after Israel had withdrawn from both places.
    Indeed, if sacred Arab ground were the driving force of the Middle East crisis, then surely Syria itself would now be willing to risk a shooting war over the all important Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Meanwhile, Cairo is still perhaps the nexus of virulent Arab anti-Semitism, even though Israel finished handing over Sinai to Egypt in 1982.
    The world prayed that after the unilateral departure of Israel from Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005, and the recent elections in Beirut and the West Bank, it was witnessing an incremental evolution toward a lasting peace between rational democratic states.
    Gradually, Israel was returning to its 1967 borders. In response, gradually, it was hoped, Israel's Arab neighbors would vote into office reasonable statesmen who would renounce terror and get on with the business of crafting workable economies and governments. But all that optimism presupposed a radical change in the Middle Eastern mentality. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened.
    So, if the most recent war in Lebanon and Gaza is not about land per se, then whence arises the elemental desire to destroy Israel?
    The answer boils down to Islamists feeling their reputation is at stake. Words like "honor" and "pride" are evoked — in the sense that they need to be regained — by every insecure radical in the Islamic world, from al-Qaida's Osama bin Laden to Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Fist-shaking crowds, fiery mullahs and terrorists all boast of not giving an inch to infidels, and of the restoration of the now sullied honor of the Islamic people.
    Why their hurt?
    For about the last half-century, globalization has passed most of the recalcitrant Middle East by — economically, socially and politically. The result is that there are now few inventions and little science emanating from the Islamic world — but a great deal of poverty, tyranny and violence. And rather than make the necessary structural changes that might end cultural impediments to progress and modernity — such as tribalism, patriarchy, gender apartheid, polygamy, autocracy, statism and fundamentalism — too many Middle Easterners have preferred to embrace the reactionary past and the cult of victimization.
    At one time or another, they have welcomed all the bankrupt ideologies that traditionally blame others for prior self-induced failure: fascism, communism, Baathism, Pan-Arabism and, most recently, Islamic fundamentalism.
    When there is high unemployment, corruption, zero economic growth, endemic illiteracy and no freedom, mullahs, dictators and jihadists of the Middle East always seem to fault the ancient colonial power — Britain, France or Italy (though rarely Islamic Turkey) — that supposedly set them back over a century ago. Or they try blaming the omnipotent United States whose oilmen developed the riches of the Gulf and whose military has saved Muslims from Kosovo to Kuwait.
    But above all, for decades leaders like Gamal Nasser, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat and Osama bin Laden have scapegoated tiny Israel.
    It is the closest Western bogeyman, and its Holocaust survivors transformed a part of desert into a technologically sophisticated Western state. Israel's astounding success is a constant irritant to many nearby Muslims, representing the infidel's ability to fashion a prosperous Middle Eastern society without oil revenues under democratic auspices.
    Victimization turns out to be the real creed of the Middle East, uniting disparate Shiites, Sunnis, dictators, theocrats and terrorists. "They did it to us" offers an easy explanation of why Islamic states are now weak and offer little hope to millions of their poor, who, ironically, emigrate to the much pilloried West by the millions.
    American cash aid, Israeli concessions, windfall petrol profits and, most of all, appeasement of radical Islamists can do nothing to alleviate these perceived grievances.
    Instead, there will be no peace in the general Middle East until Iranians and Arabs have true constitutional government, free institutions, open markets and the rule of law. Without these reforms, they will continue to fail, seeking easy refuge in the shreds of mythical ancestral honor — and this pathetic neurosis of blaming nearby Israel for the loss of it."

  4. #4
    Blown 472
    Brought to you by the neocon joo lovers.
    Two words, horseshit.

  5. #5
    Brought to you by the neocon joo lovers.
    Two words, horseshit.
    There it is, the 3rd stupidest thing blown ever said on here .... 2 words would be horse-shit, or horse shit. Horseshit is 1 word, brought to you by the neolib jew-hater himself.

  6. #6
    Old Texan
    Blown is not a lib, you know that.............

  7. #7
    Oh yea, I keep forgetting, he's the not-liberal who just spouts like a liberal.

  8. #8
    I always thought if it walked and quacked like a duck then it must......
    Blown just doesn't want the label. Then he would have to like the things that liberals stand for. This would mean he had to get facts in order to defend his position and maybe use complete sentences when talking. He has the best of all worlds, not liberal, not conservative, not anything. Just a person who will disagree with almost anyone anywhere believes. I heard someone say one time that we should put birth control in the water supply and only give those who score a certain score on an IQ test the antidote. I can promise that his mother would not have been given the antidote.

  9. #9
    He's a self admitted "FREE THINKER", who apparently owes his alegiance, to no-one, nor alligns himself with anyone.
    Strangely enough tho ... the only opinions he posts links to (or pastes text of) are Liberal left-wing doom & gloom crackpots with such a thin grasp on reality as to be absurd.
    He supports the far-left liberals,
    He believes the far-left liberals,
    He displays far-left liberal views,
    He makes and supports far-left liberal accusations,
    He ignores and denies any information contrary to those listed above,
    He hates, Jews, Republicans, Conservatives, The President, The president's entire staff, anyone richer than him, big oil, and anyone who calls him to the carpet for what he says.
    He's an independant, a "FREE THINKER".

  10. #10
    Poster X
    Far left liberal? Anyone that doesn't goose step to the current regime is a "far left liberal" to you. I've never seen you discuss a centrist point without saying liberal this and liberal that. I'm assuming your head fits between your buttocks comfortably?
    For the record. Liberal means far left. Doofus.

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