It is very sad so many people don't fathom the horror that was the regime of Saddam Hussein. This violence was a part of everyday life in Iraq. Our media and many persons misconstrue what torture is all about. These films depict real torture not pranks of underwear and naked pyramids.
US and coalition forces brand of "torture" is loud music, sleep deprivation, and such. There is just no comparison.
Anyone that watches these films and still thinks Iraq and the world were better off before Saddam's removal are sick and self centered. There is no way to justify sitting back and allowing these atrocities to happen. F--- WMD's, stopping this horror in itself was reason to invade Iraq.
The continuing debate about this war pales when these videos are viewed. Any liberal or whomever feels we shouldn't have stepped in should have to sit and watch until they understand the horror. In fact it should be openly broadcast in order to awaken those that refuse to believe or deny such evil exists.
Unfortunately Saddam was not alone in these heinous deeds as the Taliban and many other ruthless zealots and Jihadists follow the same principles of crimes against their fellow man.
And how many of them did the us support, train, and give money to?