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Thread: East Coast hot boats vs. West Coast hot boats.

  1. #21
    Junior Member funkcity's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Somehow this thread morphed into a hairy lady thread! Wow!
    I had posted the exact new thread to the Scream and Fly Forums.
    The largely east coast outboard contingency.
    It was very interesting to read their reaction....
    <<West coast bling
    East coast performance>>
    Generally it was not too hostile but it could easily veer that way!
    All in all I think there is a lot more humor over here!
    But wouldn't you just think that someone on the right coast would hire a real gelcoat artist if for no other reason, to be different and maybe generate a new following??

  2. #22
    Yo Reggie, youze wants flames on yo boatÂ…or some gold chains I found on Johnny Nuckles last week?
    Fuggedaboutit, gimmies the chains. And some hair cream.

  3. #23
    out of bounds
    ok the way I see it is you got to commpair apples to apples. that is like compairring west coast wine to east cost wine. If you ever been to the other side you would see the difference look at the food???? Look at the diffence in how many chicks have fake boobs on the west cost over the East ??? we out west like the bling the whole metro runs through our blood. As J W say we are chrome whores and we like it fast. if you look at the east cost boats they tend to have square lines were we like things rounned and sharp points and bright colors. oh and HP.the East likes Hp not all the bling
    my 2 cents

  4. #24
    OK, which boats are you refering to? Showroom boats, (a couple of hundred that look alike), or actual hot boats, that are one of a kind creations. Big difference. East coast/west coast, makes no difference if you want something that anyone else with the bucks can buy one just like it.....I have seen some very nice eastern boats with fantastic paint jobs, equal to the western, one of a kind creations. The showroom stuff all looks the same to me....Maybe it's a tribal thing......MP

  5. #25
    Trailer Park Casanova
    I think it's where the money is, and the turnover in boat ownership is - may dictate where the more creative designs will emerge.
    More money here in the South West??
    If the Florida boating community is considered the East Coast (perhaps considered the South) then maybe that is an East Coast exception.
    Other than that,
    The difference I mostly see in Fla is they wear sox with their river sandals.

  6. #26
    spectras only
    What I remember on the topic on custom gelcoating kept popping up in boating magazines decades ago , there were only a handful of gel-coaters
    rotating around shops to do the elaborate scheemes . I guess these folks preferred the nice weather [ dryer than florida ]california offered.
    With today's technology , climate controlled paint booths etc....this is all changed. I could be wrong ! Maybe more emphasis spent on building the boats bulletproof for the ocean than here on the westcoast :idea:

  7. #27
    I think you should look where the money is at. In Florida they have many nice boats with extravagant paint schemes, and there is tons of money and beautiful weather most of the year. In California same thing. Now you start heading up the seaboards on either cost and the boats go more in favor of yachts vs. performance. I think because the swells, and the temps that they deal with. Then once you get into the central us around LOTO etc... you dont have the higher incomes in most areas you do in california/florida. Those people dont have lakes in which a yacht would be practical, but they also (for the most part) dont have the disposable income to buy those high dollar toys. (i should correct myself on that, because most people in california dont have the disposable income to afford them either, but their houses sure helped them out on the "wanna be baller" factor)

  8. #28
    I once read an article that said east coast builders prefer to paint, because the east coast's high humidity was not as ideal for gel coating as the west coast's.

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