Jeezuz, don't get me started on animals.
Last year we laid new carpet - and already, the 6 cats have shown their appreciation by destroying it.
Last year's landscaping - provided about 6 months entertainment for the dogs in the backyard.
Leaving to the river for a weekend getaway - not a problem if I can find somebody to feed the four horses. You would be amazed how difficult it is for some people to put feed in a bucket; water in another.
And the icing on the cake is my mom came to "stay" with us for a while......TEN LONG YEARS AGO.
We have been downsizing though. At our peak we had 6 dogs, 6 cats, 12 horses and two reef tanks.
By all calculations, I could have owned a nice Fountain with blue motors by now. http://www.***
and p.s.
You'd better beive I'm posting this while the wifey is at work - otherwise I might get clubbed up aside my head http://www.***