just having a conversation with my friend that's getting married, and she says there will be no jack D at the reception, because she believes that it gets people more lippy... and so on. everyone has there funny little theories on booze.... vodka makes you angry = german .... whiskey makes you instant tough guy etc... tequila makes you party like the mexicans, which are always happy by the way (check out cabo) ... and so on.
I think it just depends on what mood you're in that day / night... and what pushed your buttons when you're drinking. I know I've drank jack plenty of times and had a blast, same with tequila and vodka. and I know I've had some bad nights with jack, and same with tequila/ vodka?
what do you guys think?? I might have to partake in some research and have my buddies take a week or two off work so we can come to a conclusion on this theory...:idea: