Or are you some new kind of Christian that believes killing is OK? Your attitude about how to handle the middle east is similarly radical, to those we are supposed to be at war against. I see terrorists as the lowest form of human life. They're killers. Responding to terrorists at their level (killing them), aint much better. I guess killing is Christlike if you view it as preventive genocide. Not!
Killing is totally different than murder. Terrorists are murderers. You can stay above the fray as long as others volunteer to do your fighting and dying for you...That way you can claim to have the moral high ground.
There is nothing "radical" about using violence. This world is ruled by violence and there's nothing more we can do about it than pray for peace and pass the ammunition.
I would love a world without war and killing...one day when man is gone from the planet it will exist. You can put a flower in the muzzle of a rifle but it won't make the lead taste any better!