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Thread: Grab your Ankles

  1. #21
    Old Texan
    So because I have a kind heart, I endorse rape and torture?
    Your argument is illogical and weak. I posted about the subject in the first post in this thread, and now I want to support rapists? You gotta be shitting me.
    Life sucks and there is no limit to the depths of human depravity, for sure, but do I want to deprive the needy of my charity because of it? Hell no!
    I'm sure that a little kindness goes a hell of a long way in this world.
    All the criminals in your pasted story get from me is a life sentence.
    I totally agree about the entitlement mentality, too. Whenever I get jammed up by a kid selling candy outside a store, if it's for a sports team or a band trip or some such, I buy really big.
    If it's "to keep kids off drugs", I don't give a nickel. Why? I reckon that is tantamount to entitlement mentality. If you are so weak minded you need my cash to stay off drugs, you are not worthy of my charity. I won't be held hostage by those twerps.
    If you are involved in your community and want my help to excel, here's as much cash as I can spare you.
    I believe in supporting the worthy, and shunning the leeches.
    Until you have proven to be a leech, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
    CA Stu
    PS Please try to read the first post in a thread, then read my response, and at least have some discernible link between my post and the drivel you post directed at me next time, eh?
    All I see in the first post is a Snopes disputed article stating Nancy Pelosi wants to "enrich" the lives of the country's "poor" and it's minorities at the expense of those who work and earn. I see no mention of responsible charities?????? Only take from the rich, give to the "poor".
    I interpret your Sir Basil quote to mean we are "obligated" to give to anyone below our station in need anything we possess that is considered "extra".
    Both Pelosi and Basil are making statements encouraging a socilistic state. Unacceptable in my opinion.
    My excerpt is an example of how the entitlement system has completely failed the "minority" and the "poor" Pelosi is supposedly trying to help.
    Unlessed I missed the part about bakesales, I don't see your argument?????

  2. #22
    CA Stu
    All I see in the first post is a Snopes disputed article stating Nancy Pelosi wants to "enrich" the lives of the country's "poor" and it's minorities at the expense of those who work and earn. I see no mention of responsible charities?????? Only take from the rich, give to the "poor".
    I interpret your Sir Basil quote to mean we are "obligated" to give to anyone below our station in need anything we possess that is considered "extra".
    Both Pelosi and Basil are making statements encouraging a socilistic state. Unacceptable in my opinion.
    My excerpt is an example of how the entitlement system has completely failed the "minority" and the "poor" Pelosi is supposedly trying to help.
    Unlessed I missed the part about bakesales, I don't see your argument?????
    So you think that starving people will make them less likely to commit crime?
    You can't honestly believe that all social aid programs are bad, can you? Are you a plutocrat? Because if you aren't independently wealthy, you have been helped by some form of social legislation whether you know it or not.
    A tiered tax system is social engineering, no?
    I'm no socialist, like I have posted before, I'm a member of the RNC.
    You excerpt is an example of the horrific things some animals are capable of, and to link it to social programs is such a ridiculous speculation that I don't quite know how to address it properly.
    That would be like saying that the Colorado High School system is responsible for Columbine, I reckon.
    CA Stu

  3. #23
    All this head butting looks to me like a case of what happens when people exaggerate certain aspects of others positions to make a point. :idea:

  4. #24
    Old Texan
    So you think that starving people will make them less likely to commit crime?
    You can't honestly believe that all social aid programs are bad, can you? Are you a plutocrat? Because if you aren't independently wealthy, you have been helped by some form of social legislation whether you know it or not.
    A tiered tax system is social engineering, no?
    I'm no socialist, like I have posted before, I'm a member of the RNC.
    You excerpt is an example of the horrific things some animals are capable of, and to link it to social programs is such a ridiculous speculation that I don't quite know how to address it properly.
    That would be like saying that the Colorado High School system is responsible for Columbine, I reckon.
    CA Stu
    Seriously Stu, really read the excerpted article and think about what life in the projects is really like, not some far away guess that you get from the news. I spent a good deal of time back in the 70's selling Life and Health Insurance in Fort Meyers FL in the projects. There is a lot to the culture of that segment of society that the general public really doesn't understand, or care to understand for that matter. I do because I've seen it first hand and saw some of the wonderful folks that have become literally trapped there. Folks that need help to get out but for bureaucratic BS can't quite make it.
    Don't be so quick to judge other's statements and fire back a defense without trying to obtain the real message. I ain't Spike Lee, but I'm trying to point out some of the fallacies of our social system and how the Pelosi types are missing the real situations.

  5. #25
    I'm trying to point out some of the fallacies of our social system and how the Pelosi types are missing the real situations.
    I'd take it further and say most of the Pelosi types fully understand the failures of many of these programs. However, they use those programs to buy votes with public largess and keep those votes through dependency...:idea:
    In short, for most Democratic Party leaders, those programs are political tools to foster dependency to their party, rather than function as solutions to problems.

  6. #26
    CA Stu
    I ain't Spike Lee, but I'm trying to point out some of the fallacies of our social system and how the Pelosi types are missing the real situations.
    Anybody can Monday morning quarterback, OT, you got a better solution or idea? Post it.
    It's very Democrat of you to point out every single problem yet offer no solutions.
    CA Stu

  7. #27
    OK, To get a decent job you may be required to take a drug test prior to employment, and a random test at anytime in the future if your number comes up....We all work for the paycheck, (well most of us). Now, if someone is down on their luck, needs a little help, needs food stamps to fed their family etc etc.......OK by me, BUT don't you think THEY should be required to take random drug tests to qualify for our tax dollars??? Fail a test, get a warning, fail a second, see ya.......This would apply to anyone living in the house/apartment/project as deemed necessary by a case worker....No druggie teens living with mom on welfare.......There is already a law that allows eviction for drug offenses commited by residents of public housing, but the testing deal could maybe tell us why the adults don't have/want jobs......It seems only fair, if I have to test to make the money, to pay the taxes, to pay them, they need to be squeeky clean as well, and prove it............MP

  8. #28
    Old Texan
    Anybody can Monday morning quarterback, OT, you got a better solution or idea? Post it.
    It's very Democrat of you to point out every single problem yet offer no solutions.
    CA Stu
    People in the projects taking charge of their lives would be a start. MoneyPitt just posted a very good requirement.
    It's like the immigration thing Stu, the laws are on the books, the people have been told the difference between right and wrong, it just trying to get the slackers of society to get off their collective asses and get some personal pride to do the right thing.
    You can view it anyway you like but these problems have grown through the years and won't stop until the fight starts from within. Political Correctness advocates, the ACLU, the NAACP, and LULAC among others need to cut their poilitcal BS and join that fight.
    I have the solution in my life Stu, I'm not living in those conditions nor in a neighborhood that will accept those conditions. I'm just tired of sending money to a government every year filled with politicians whose motives and conscious guilt keeps them funding dead beat programs.
    Solving the entitlement mentality problem requires more effort than that "feel good euphoria" one gets from buying 4 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, don't ya think....:idea:

  9. #29
    I would be very much for that MP. Good idea. I have only continued to succeed in my life because I keep passing UA's, all the time, any time. I've passed over a dozen so far in the last 20 years, more in my future, and I can guarantee my passing them.

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