People, we need to stand up and be heard.
We pay trillions per year in hard earned dollars for what?
At every level of government there is disconnect, bridges collapsing, judges letting criminals walk, roads that suck, traffic issues that are not being planned for, special interesty groups greasing up people that are paid to represent OUR interests, infrastructure that is being neglected. I'm not even touching on boarder security, health care and drug coverage, disaster recovery and campaing finance reform.
Just go into or call any government office and instead of getting "customer service" you get attitude and the ole run around.
I want MORE for my tax dollars, this isn't a democrat or republican issue. How long would any of US last if we tried to run OUR business or work for our employer and produced the same LACK of results as we see from our Federal, State and Local governments? Ever try to get any satisfaction from a municipal or county council? YET the retirement funds and sallary increases and benefit increases are never voted down or tied up and veto'd are they?
While rep's, senators, congress, judges, prosecutors, mayors, county council's are in bed with developers and pander to special interest lobbyist. Problems go untouched and our hard earned tax dollars are wasted.
Senators and congressional leaders aren't concerned about social security BECAUSE they will never have to rely on it, they have their OWN special pension fund that they protect.
You wouldn't run a business that way would you?
We need to stand up and say loud and clear "I want more for my tax dollars".