Help me out here. Is the Barney Frank issue one of him being gay, or a fag, or because, he continued in office after a scandel?
Seemed this thread took a gay turn after the following:
I commented:
Ya mean like Billy's BJ?
Smokin responded:
No ultra, I mean the various openly gay members of the democrat party
Barney Frank, IMO, is a moron now and has been for as long as I can remember. That in itself should have gotten him removed from his position. (term limits for feds???)
I can only speak for myself and my opinion on this. This thred started over Sen Craig's "lewed conduct" and was titled "What's going on with the grand ol party??" so it basically started out gay (since his lewed conduct was that of asking for gay sex).
I think it just kind of seems to put Sen Craig's conduct into perspective, and broadens the conversation, to also mention the much worse conduct of others (like Sen Frank) who remain in office and still are making policys that effect our lives. I think it is pretty cheezy of Sen Craig to be hitting on guys in an airport restroom, but it is very minor compaired to fixing tickets for and housing an underage gay (or straight for that matter) prostitution outfit, or Rep Jefferson's bribe taking etc...
It's kind of frustrating to think of how hard it is for an accomplished and honest person to get into congress, yet even when someone who is in congeress is found to be an absolute turd, the idiot voters in some districts, just keep acting like sheep and voting them back in. It's like they are saying sure he (or she) is a dishonest creep, but he's our dishonest creep and we're keeping him..