Some of these have been posted already under a thread, but I'm bored at work and figure I'll try again to get some response from you lake boat guys. These are from the race last month in Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada. This race takes place over 5 days of racing and adds up to 500 miles total. It's an endurance race and is good just to finish the whole thing with your engine and boat in one piece. There were 43 boats starting. We ended up 8th in "A" class and 10th overall at the end of the week.
Here's a shot of us running at about 98 MPH.
The yellow boat of Rob Chrunyk wnet on to win the whole race. He was running a 780 HP 468ci and could hit 113 MPH.
Maintenence between legs includes a pump teardown to check for anything not right.
Here's a start one of the days.
Here's another one of us after the new dent was installed under the bow after taking to air in some rapids. Easy fix.
Here's one Rob Pooley's boat. He's from New Zealand and is a long time racer. He broke several times but managed to finish the race.
[ September 14, 2003, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Jungle Boy ]