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Thread: So who are you voting for??

  1. #121
    Ron Paul

  2. #122
    Of course you have a valid point about the Heritage Foundation, it doesn't pretend to be anything but right wing. However:
    Thank you, Master of Time, Space and Reality for providing a concrete answer about how this as yet unattempted program would fare.
    Uh, communism has been tried and it was a complete FAILURE, always, EVERYWHERE it was tried.
    You are great for spouting off trite and over used cliches, but that's about it.
    Please, you're the one with the manifesto open in front of you while you type.
    In a land as rich as America, where the top 1% hold 33% of the wealth, we can afford to have a little wealth redistribution so that the basic needs of the least of us can be met.
    Giggle, snort. Try spouting this crap in Eastern Europe, they'd laugh. You could go into the poorest minority neighborhood in the US and be laughed at. And since the thread topics is votes, how many votes did your candidate get in the last election?
    We have people who have no place to sleep and nothing to eat,
    Uh, no you're wrong again, here in America (capitalist bastards), the poor people are fat, it's the first time in history.
    I know you have a watercraft and an LCD screen TV in your SUV, and maybe you even own a few pieces of property, but you are most likely a petty bourgeois
    Ha, you said "bourgeois". Ha, ha. You must be pullin' my leg. Nobody says that anymore, even on campus.
    but trust me, if we were to redistribute the wealth of this nation, more than 90% of us would gain, not lose. The distribution of wealth is THAT lopsided, so stop worrying about the common people running off with all your precious treasures, you'd benefit too.
    Nope wrong again. Your fockin math fockin sucks. Try again. Take all Bill Gates $50 billion away and give it to 300 million people. No effect. Oh, and where did that $ come from? Capitalism?
    and then we have billionaires who have a different yacht for each day of the week
    All men should have so much. And does it not occur to you that the construction and purchase of a yacht redistibutes wealth from the buyer to the exploited masses who built it?

  3. #123
    Trying to decide between Ron Paul and McCain.
    McCain has suffered for supporting our President on the war and immigration, hardly seems fair. Oh well.

  4. #124
    Troy McClure
    Trying to decide between Ron Paul and McCain.
    McCain has suffered for supporting our President on the war and immigration, hardly seems fair. Oh well.
    If you saw the Youtube debates, McCain came across as kind of a pompous, war mongering ass. Not that I, necessarily, disagree with his views (except immigration), he just came off looking like a bully. I know that sounds a little weird, just the feeling I got from it.
    Paul, on the other hand as others have noted, has some great points but ended up looking a little weak in the debate ( I guess, thanks to McCains bullying?)
    Just something I noticed, not supporting one over the other..

  5. #125
    As I've said to you before, prove to me you are a real person, MAN UP and show your face at a boating event, then I and others around here could take you serious enough to debate with. At this point, you are just some captain keyboard who wants to interject your opinion wherever you can. Anyone on this board, trying to join our little community (yes, we are little and fairly tight nit), that doesn't own a vehicle or a BOAT - which this forum is based around - in my opinion is not worth debating with. You won't find me over on, so why do you come here? When you have something to offer to the Hot Boat community, other than your narrow views on society, then try again.
    ROFLMAO!!! Oh, quit playin'! No, seriously man, I think people are starting to see through our whole "Keith and Homeless pretend to be enemies" charade!!! It was good while it lasted, and we had some laughs behind their backs, but I can't keep it up. That was good though, wasn't it?
    Hey, my old lady wanted me to tell you that you left that casserole dish at our house on Sunday. I emptied out the enchiladas (MINE!) and washed it. Either I can drop it off at your place on my way home tomorrow, or you can just pick it up at my place. I guess if I don't see you before the Christmas party (DON'T FORGET) I'll just give it back to you then.
    Take it easy Bro!

  6. #126
    "Uh, communism has been tried and it was a complete FAILURE, always, EVERYWHERE it was tried."
    This is crap, there are plenty of places that are still run by socialist style governments. Had the US CIA not interfered in the affairs of countries like Nicaragua, El Salvador and Cuba, there is no telling how much more well off the citizens of these countries would be. Venezuela and China are both countries that have socialist style governments and who are doing well enough to have favorable trade balances with us.
    Finally, if communist/socialist/collectivist theory was such a miserable failure, would it be catching on here in the US the way it is? More and more in this country average citizens, the working class and the prolatariat are demanding that leaders (and those who would seek leadership) offer solutions to our problems that are based on the wealthy sharing with the poor.
    What I am saying is that whether or not you realize it, whether or not you like it, and even as you stand there day after day being proud of your country for "winning the cold war", your country, OUR COUNTRY is moving away from this cold hearted "every man for himself" mentality and toward group solutions to group problems. If you don't like it, you can't really do much about it, because both parties are likely to nominate someone this election cycle who, when viewed objectively, would likely seem as socialist.
    If capitalism was superior to collectivism, countries like the US wouldn't be moving towards socialism. Even though the USSR has fallen, it's legacy lives on. Make no mistake, it's happening, deal with it. I don't know how old you are, but if you are around in 50 years you'll see that the country you're living in will look more like the country I am endorsing, not the one you'd like to see.
    "Uh, no you're wrong again, here in America (capitalist bastards), the poor people are fat, it's the first time in history."
    People are getting fatter, but they are also getting more and more malnourished from eating McDonald's 3 or 4 days a week. Fatter doesn't mean healthier of more well nourished.
    "Bill Gates $50 billion away and give it to 300 million people. No effect. Oh, and where did that $ come from? Capitalism?"
    Wasn't Bill Gates's wealth determined to be a product of an illegal monopoly that violated anti-trust laws? This goes back to my point about the winners in a capitalist society being the cheaters.

  7. #127
    Where is the brotherhood in people (such as yourself) living off the hard work of others? Why is it the successfull ones are always to blame and the less fortunate are never expected or required to make much of themselves?
    And it is the working class and the wealthy that help out more in private charities than any other class. We give and give and give yet the government wants to take more and more and more. When is enough enough? If the unthinkable happends and Free healthcare becomes a reality, what will they want next?
    You need to leave the governmental nest and become a man. Do you even have the ability to provide for yourself let alone a family?
    You know what, if the RICH in this country really feel as though they owe nothing to the poor, then I think from now on that the RICH can stop coming to our ghettos and asking the children of the poor (to whom they owe NOTHING) to go to war to fight and die for the interests of the RICH. If nothing is owed to the poor people then all you right wing chicken hawks can go protect your own interests from now on.

  8. #128
    You must be kidding.... the fat fellow laborer sitting on the couch eating cheatos and putting his fake neckbrace on to grocery shop for more cheatos is who you have to blame for your relationship problems.... oh and yes I know I spelled "Cheatos" wrong
    Funny, this makes it sound like you are of the opinion that the natural state of the working person is sloth and corruption. It sounds like you have this paternal attitude that if it weren't for captains of industry like yourself we'd all just lay around all day wondering if it was time to shit or take a nap. Maybe we were all better off when we had masters to keep us on the straight and narrow.

  9. #129
    ROFLMAO!!! Oh, quit playin'! No, seriously man, I think people are starting to see through our whole "Keith and Homeless pretend to be enemies" charade!!!
    I'm sure the people in here know what to see through.

  10. #130
    I'm sure the people in here know what to see through.
    OH SHIT DUDE!!! I thought that was in private message. FCK!!! Sorry. I'm trying to call your cell (I don't want to wake anyone up), either pick it up or call me.

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