Welcome back everbody!!! Lake Anna is on as always with the orginal and number one East Coast gathering. You'll want to make your reservations for 6-7-08.
You'll want to make your reservations for 6-7-08.
Lake Anna Lodge (http://www.virginia.org/site/descrip...p?AttrID=12326)
Lighthouse Inn (http://www.highpointmarina.com/)
I copied the following from last year and made a couple of adjustments.
June 7th is coming up quickly and its time to have something that resembles a plan. Over the past 6 years we've gone from humble beginnings standing in muddy water to a full spread in Hot Boat magazine. Hot Boat year was busy beyond belief, with the helicopter, planes, bikes, street rods, boats and everything else, it was going to be hard to top that one, and we did. We stopped counting at 250 boats. We're going to try to back to a little more old school and laid back.
The Boating This is probably the most important part of this whole Anna thing. Your safety and the safety of everone around you is paramount!!! If you bring your boat, you are responsible for whatever happens to it or your passengers. What you do with your boat is your business. If you choose to hit something with it, on purpose or by accident, or let someone else do it, you are responsible for getting it resolved. If your boat is in the water or on land, you will not be able to hold BOTE or anyone associated for any damage, injuries or loss. Can I make that any more clear? THERE ARE NO BOATING RELATED EVENTS SET UP THIS YEAR. Everything is related to land events only. Mufflers or baffles are a MUST at Jacks. If you don't have them, you have 3 options: make them, buy them, or don't fire up the boat.
The Lodge is almost full.
The Lighthouse, I'm not sure, but I'm sure they are booked.
Thursday Night Unofficial-Some of us will be arriving then. Generally, people are on your own for food, but the party usually finds itself out back of the Lodge.
Friday Unofficial- Go shopping, or swimming, or whatever makes you happy.
Friday Night Unofficial- Generally a good night for potluck, or fend for yourself. You can bring your own BBQ, or in the past we've had people bring out trays of something they've brought to share. I was hoping to talk Mike into doing some crabs.
Saturday Unofficial- I know Jack is having his Feast again thi year. There is talk about Pigeon, or the Islands, or the Sandbar.
Saturday Night This is our OFFICIAL gathering.
Saturday Night will be a potluck.
The Raffle Always a fun event. Again, this year, we are asking everyone to bring something to raffle off. It doesn't have to have anything to do with boating. It doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant. You can donate it annonymously, or put your name on it for recognition. If its an "adult" item, please wrap it so if there are any kids there, they don't see it.
The Bar Once again, asking people to bring a small bottle of your preferred drink. I do stock the bar with things that I usually have around, especially the margaritas, but it does get expensive on big weekends like this. Alot of people in the past have donated or brought their own bottle to share and I thank you. We don't charge for drinks, its more like a liquor cabinet.
T-Shirts Awesome design again from Amy!! You can pre-order your shirts now and pay for them when you get there.
The Weather There is nothing we can do about the weather, other than hope its a beautiful weekend. We can always count on a thunderstorm to blow through, so don't let that stop you.
The Boating This is probably the most important part of this whole Anna thing. Your safety and the safety of everone around you is paramount!!! If you bring your boat, you are responsible for whatever happens to it or your passengers. What you do with your boat is your business. If you choose to hit something with it, on purpose or by accident, or let someone else do it, you are responsible for getting it resolved. If your boat is in the water or on land, you will not be able to hold BOTE or anyone associated for any damage, injuries or loss. Can I make that any more clear? THERE ARE NO BOATING RELATED EVENTS SET UP THIS YEAR. Everything is realted to land events only. Mufflers or baffles are a MUST at Jacks. If you don't have them, you have 3 options: make them, buy them, or don't fire up the boat while at Jack's.
Lake Anna Lodge
Phone: (540) 895-5844