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Thread: Why people are voting Democrat

  1. #41
    You know, this thread reminds me of the quip regarding America's bleeding heart wealthy like Madonna and well, you know all the actors and government entitiled work force and of course, the non-working but well taken care of offspring of the wealthy.
    Something like "Don't you just hate this country we live in?, Oh I'll have a Latte and a fu-fu something or other with that."
    The non-working wealthy are some of the worst bashers of America around.

  2. #42
    Blown 472
    I got you number, Dude! :sleeping:
    Where yid you go? cant handle it in here?

  3. #43
    'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
    I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'
    -- Barrack Hussein Obama
    Does anyone see the stupidity in changing the greatest of anything?

  4. #44
    the only people that will vote for obama are THE IGNORANT YOUNG,THE IGNORANT MINORITY AND JUST THE PLAIN IGNORANT! FACT!

  5. #45
    those who want the freedom to excel will vote for McCain,
    those that want a free check will vote for Obama.

  6. #46
    Keith Olbermann
    This guy is the biggest stupid ass on tv he could even do sports right

  7. #47
    It seems obvious that you have no stake in a business, or employ any "working class" people. Do you ever stop to consider how these so called rich people got where they are? Do you think that every one of them was born into privilege?
    I spent 18 years roughnecking on rigs in AK. (hammering on frozen iron for 12 hours a day in -50* is no joy) spent 10 years before that as a machinist in Anchorage.
    I opened my own cylinder head shop and struggled for 2 years before caving and going to the oil rigs.
    18 years later, after much effort, 2 divorces and continuously trying to better myself I finally was qualified to start directional drilling. (3 years now)
    Now I am a contracted entity, and make good bank.
    My lifelong friend and I (We are both 47) are starting our own directional company, and are planning on augmenting our workforce with at least 6 full time employees. Us and them will be away from our homes for up to 6 weeks at a time, home for 2 weeks. They will make between 150K - 250K each per year.
    About 1 in 10 people who are qualified to do these jobs will actually attempt it. Half of them WILL fail due to the strain of being away. (wives and kids)
    There is a great deal of effort, initiative, and sacrifice for those who succeed and make it to your "Rich people" column, in many cases. I am one of them, and your cavalier statements are very insulting to me. I have seen laziness and inefficient workers every step of the way, they are still roughnecking or whatever, I am not.
    Your statement boils down to Dem. rhetoric, no offense. Not every so called rich person is a freaking bank president. The backbone of this country is hard working successful people, small and medium sized private employers.
    If you where one of us you would understand. I hope you are able to pull your' head out of the sand and see past the BS that they have sold to you.
    Get out and talk to some local business owners. Carpet businesses, machine shops, roofers and the like. Might be a real eye opener.
    Exactly. The reality of business is that you take care of good employees and raise their lifestyle. That is how I made it, and that is how my employees will make it.
    The so called working class should be offended by the left's attitude that they can not better themselves, by themselves.
    It is backwards thinking horsesh*t in the real world.
    I ain't talking about CEO's and bank presidents, I'm talking about those of us pulling 300K and employing 5-10 people pulling 150K plus.
    You know, the "real" working class.
    Well stated, but I think we are all going to pay no matter who reaches into our wallet.

  8. #48
    You mean like they are now? people are going to vote for him because they think there might be a change from the ****ing we are getting right now from the bush co. assholes.
    You are such a are an excellent example of why we have the electoral college. Change? it aint gonna get back in line for your GOV cheese.

  9. #49
    now get back in line for your GOV cheese.
    now thats funny shit

  10. #50
    "I'm going to marry my cat".

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