I'm officially slamming a boycott on it. The "talent" that goes there has gone down hill in recent weeks, their food and drinks are extremely overpriced, their service sucks and to top it off last night when we were dining in their courtyard some assholes were choking down cigars and cigarettes right next to us while we were eating so we asked them to take it outside or elsewhere and their response was "in a minute" or something like that. Well many minutes go by so Hrd2Hndl tells the manager about it and his response in a nutshell was "too bad". You know what Abe, "too bad" we won't be going to your fading hot spot of a restaurant anymore, we will be taking our business across the street to Paul Martin's where a glass of wine means a full glass and not just a taste.
P.S. The valet guys are cool and if you are a chain smoker this is the place for you.