And what is he leaving us? amazing how you drone on about what happend 8 ****ing years ago, your boy has ****ed this country three ways to sunday and you are too ****ing blind to see it, we will see how you feel about him when you are out of work and our country grinds to a hault, oh shit that will be obama fault then.
If you see what I have said is that He should have stood up, loudly and forcefully say there was a problem 2 years ago when they started to identify it unfolding....but his hands were tied by Frank, Schumer and Dodd who continued to say nothing was even if Bush was loud and tolled the bell would the Dem congress have followed his leadership? You and I both know its no.....and do you think if the american public wanted him to take action say and 80% majority would the Dem congress supported the Presidents push.....again no.......close to 90% of americans want drill now and expanded nuclear we have it? Do you think Kennedy, Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, Reid or any of them are listening? So it woulden't have happend....But Bush should have done everything possible no matter what and he didn't and I have continually expressed my disappointment in that!