I wrote my assemblyman about that assinine SUV tax, greenhouse effect bill .. here is his reply. Please take just 2 minutes of your time to e mail Governor Davis to let him know you are opposed to AB 1493
Thank you for contacting my office to express your opposition to AB 1058 and the later bill AB 1493. Both deal with the same issue, and I understand your concerns.
I voted against this bill on a number of occassions in Assembly Committee and on the Assembly Floor. Members of the majority party, fearing a backlash from voters if the passed AB 1058, secretly changed the bill number to AB 1493 and passed it through both houses of the State Legislature despite my objections.
The bill is now before the governor's desk. I urge you to contact his office at governor@governor.ca.gov to express your opposition.
I am honored to serve you in the State Assembly.
Mike Briggs
Assemblyman, 29th District