My cell phone rang, it was my daughters school " come get her, she's in a lot of pain".
So I swing by the nurses office, and they say I have to take her to the OB GYN.
I though,,"Oh brother", this is one area dads do not like to tred.
Kathy was in Havasu for a young nieces serious operation,, so I had the kids,, with grandma Fossels about to take over while I head to the river.
OK, back to the OB GYN.
I plant myself out in the Doctors office lobby reading Cosmo, (their's always 1 tit pic in Cosmo and I was looking for it), it's all they had to read,,,,, thinking this is involved as I'll have to get with this issue,, the nurses and doctor will handle it.
Boom,,, the doctor and nurse come out, tell me they have to do a proceedure on her,, and she wants me there while they do it.
OK,, I go in and a dads worse experience, there she was in the "Chair".
The problem is sometime girls grow faster than their plumbing grows,, and some cutting and cottorizing has to be done.
I kid you not,, the gods truth, I swear on RD's dogs soul,, the Doc used what looked like a MIG welder to do the proceedure.
I held my daughter with all my strength with the nurses holding too while the sparks flew. Looked like those assembly line robots welding up a Corolla frame.
The room flashing with the blue white arc, and the doctor looking through medical grade welding glasses.
It sucked holding her down. Even in spite anesthetics, it burns and stings, and everything else, and she wanted outta there, and I had to hold her.
I was shaking,, almost tears in my eyes over what she went through, and was glad it was over.
All was now good, pain gone, sis could walk ok, simple outpatient cutting and cotterizing proceedure, I took her to the Fossels for the weekend.
So,,,,later that day, still shaking from this episode,,,,
I'm heading down Rice Road some hours later,, and stop to get a water outta the ice chest.
I pull over into one of the wider dirt areas along the shoulder.
Out of nowhere,, families of overdressed Mexicans appear from behind the dirt/sand berms and sage brush. I'm an hour away from anyplace. Mom, Dad, kids,,, just hiding out in the desert along Rice road. They all stand up and start stareing at me like in a sci fi movie.
I left them all several bottles of water each,, then fired up the truck and left. Hell,, whadaya do? I'll report it when I get into Vidal.
Then I started passing vehicles parked along Rice Road, with guys just sitting behing the wheels starring out onto the highway ahead. I figured they must be Coyotes,, either dropped these people off, or are going to pick them up.
Then as I approached Vidal Jct,, the INS was out in full swing and their vehicles and aircraft were staged or heading out the way I came.
I pulled over a mile ahead,,, got out to hide and pee and a Dodge convertable full of pretty, v young girls in Bikinis pulls up to me. There I am with my Schwantz in my hand, full stream and they start talking.
They wanted to know the route to Temecula.
I told them directions they took off, then slammed on their brakes, turned, and came back, just I was once again mid stream.
They drove up and said: "What are you doing with a boat out here?" And gave me that look like I had an asshole in the middle of my forehead.
Yea,, I just tow a boat around desert roads because I'm an idiot.
I asked them: "Didn't you girls cross an river a short while back?
They replied; "We didn't notice".
Always an adventure at the river.
[ September 10, 2003, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Trailer Park Casanova ]