Have you guys had a chance to check out Jeff of GoldFinger Racing's splash of the month? When you fall that hard and bounce on your head like that, do you get back up on the deck of the boat and reload while being dizzy and wanting to spew your guts out? I've been in some serious bike crashes from crits and road races, and remember going down hard, and jumping pack on my bike and going at it again. I would think that once you go down hard, a certain amount of strength is taken out of you, and you're likely to go down hard again. Mountain biking is like this for me. Crash hard once, I'm going in again. Your thoughts? Also, when you go down, is the fetal position the right position to take. From bike racing, never stick your arm out, since the collar bone is the weakest bone in the body. I really don't feel like letting go of the handles at 75 mph for shits and giggles and finding out the proper way to fall. The skier in Jeff's clip looked like he was knocked out afterwards. Of course, I don't plan on skiing 90 plus anytime soon, atleast until I get my motor done. :rollside:
That is a really good fall. But I have found you actually feel better after you bounce. When you just slam into the water and don't bounce that is when you get hurt worse. And honestly you really don't have time to tell yourself to really go into any position. You just have to tell yourself to go limp and not fight it.