I give you credit for viewing this with more intelligence than your buddy Smokin.
I'm surprised that Tex won't chime it here. He probabaly wants to be honest which means he might have some agreement with me, which is a sin here.
OK., I'll chime in. The issue is open to challenge in court, IF it ever becomes an issue. Chances are very unlikely since Bill Clinton and soon to be George Bush are the only living possibilitiess for the next 10+ years.
I stand by what I've seen of the 12th setting the precedent and think the 22nd is vague and fuzzy plus of small relevance.
Time spent debating an entirely theoretical event of low probability seems quite a waste actually. Time perhaps better spent understanding who George Soros is and what he stands for and against.......Oops, I forgot Soros is irrelevant to you.:devil:
Agreeing with you isn't a sin, it's just difficult to find points of agreement.