[QUOTE=ULTRA26 # 1;2894495]The price of gasoline is established by many factors, two which are supply and demand, and the price of crude.
Just for the record that is three, not two. (supply, demand, price of crude)
By the way, the commodities market sets the price. Speculators are running up the price. The quicker the oil companies recognize the opportunity that E85 represents the better. The infrastructure already exists for delivery to the public.
With E85 we could pull our oil off the world market and tell Hugo to pound sand as he is the largest single source of our imports. The only thing Libs would have to do is allow ANWAR to be drilled even though they can drill the oil from outside anwar.
Remember the opposition to the pipeline and the panic over the caribou herds? They have become a nuisance since the pipeline was built because of record numbers.
Libs opposing ANWAR drilling shows all of us that they want America to fail.