Okay,this needed to be said.How many of you have invited a"friend"to go boating and had this happen?
I invite dude to go boating on 4th of July to watch fireworks.He's jazzed,asks what he can bring.I tell him to bring beer.He says ok.Fastforward to launch ramp.I'm getting boat ready to launch on trailer.Dude shows up...with his girlfriend...and HER MOM!At least he brought beer...DOH burningm A six pack of Natural light!I launch,politely ask them to please remove their shoes before boarding and we're off.Before we even get out of the cove,MOM is bitching about the stereo being too loud.They drink up all their expensive beer and are soon mowing down mine.MOM is bickering with girlfriend about not getting too drunk.I ask them to help me hold the boat at the shore while watching fireworks.Instead they make out and ignore me while MOM plugs her ears in the bow.We haul ass back after the show,I pull up to the dock and they disembark.As Dude is stepping off,he shakes my hand and says"thanks"before spinning around on my deck wearing sandals and grinding sand into the gelcoat!No offer of gas money,help trailering the boat or help cleaning up.WTF???I see him a couple months later,he says"we had a great time boating. Can't wait to do it again!"I say"YEAH!I'll call ya!"NOT!!!!!!!!