Nick, (assuming there really is a nick and not just a AzDon psuedonym) I really don't think you've been around enough, or around long enough for that matter, to voice some of the opinions that you are. Wait until you are out in the workaday world, bustin' your butt to provide for your family, then you may see the frustration that leads people away from the democrats.
Whether you believe it or not, there are plenty of people on welfare and other 'entitlements' (GOD I hate that word) because they are LAZY, and much prefer to live on gov't handouts than by their own hard work. Let's just call them Victacrats, Boo-Hoo, the big bad gub'ment owes me..I'm so oppressed..poor me. These are the people your party panders to, give 'em what they want, get votes...that simple.
Us ignorant conservatives (Hate that word too, let's just call us self-starters) just want basic infrastructure and security from the government, other than that, get the hell out of my way and let me get it myself. I agree with you. Welfare was put there for those who needed it until they get back on their feet.(short time) but not to become lifers on it because they are to darn lazy to work.i have 5 kids and both my husband and I work and the taxes they were taking out(thanks to Clinton and other Democrats)was so out rageous. Now that bush is in office I actually get to see so of MY MONEY, that I worked for.I don't mind helping those who are down on their luck but those who just think we owe them and they shouldn't have to work well If I have to so do they.