Everyone talks about your right to privacy, it is your car and you should be able to do what you want , and i agree to a point. In the interest of saftey, in make take a passing driver by suprise and make them lose their concentration and cause an accident, so it now has endangered the saftey of the general public, now it is not a matter of privacy ,it is a matter what is good for the public as a whole. You have the right to walk around your house nude as long as it is not in view of the general public , especially a child, if convicted of such a crime exposing a child to nudity or a sexual act , you would be listed as a sex offender. It should be the same in a vehicle , if you want to show porn, then make sure your windows are dark enough that it can not be seen from the outside.As a parent of 2 children these are my thoughts. As a pervert i am all for porn , thats why my windows are limo tint.