Due to some recent talks this week I feel I need to clear a few things up. By no stretch of the imagination is this "VACATION" to be concidered an "EVENT"!!!!!!!!!. There are no clocks set up for racing. There are no bouys set up for going round and round and round. There are no poker run games. And the reason it's all or for the most part v-drives is because thats what we all have. There's nothing going on here other then a bunch of good friends getting together and having a good time. So if you think otherwise you might as well stay HOME!!!!. I also know that there is alot of "BULLSHIT TALK" that goes on with other threads concerning Needles, but thats all it is, is "BULLSHIT". Without all the "BACK STABING" BS talk could you imagine how boring these past few weeks would of been???. As all of you are aware the areas in which we can go and run these type of boats (LOUD) is dwindleing. I don't care if it's a JET BOAT...An OFFSHORE BOAT...Or a V-DRIVE BOAT. The problem still exsist. To many "HIGH DOLLAR HOMES" being built and as I was told by a PARKER SHERIFF, and "THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SHIT" ( BIG HOME OWNER'S). That is why we have to be thankfull for what we have and respect the local police and residents of Needles. Needles Marina asked if we would keep the noise down until 7:00am, NO PROBLEM. And to please be carefull of the dreaded unexperienced "PWC" rider. All we want here is to hang out and have a GREAT time without all the hassels. So please, use your head, be careful, and most of all have a good time. I would "HATE ) to have my "VACATION" ruined by "A-HOLE" who wasn't paying attention or using his head.