From the beginning of the Beast Of The East at Lake Anna, we've always had an idea of where we'd like to see this go. Countless ideas were passed around. Some were tried, and others went down in flames. Through trial and error, this is where we are now. We are looking at our biggest year ever for turnout as there seems to be quite a lot of new faces and names coming around and BOTE's popularity has exploded.
I'll try to fill in all the blanks as best I can.
The Theme Saturday nights theme this year is The 1950's
The Lodge is booked solid. We have all rooms except for one. That might change especially if the poor fool is on the backside. We do have new owners. They don't have a problem with us doing this, but they don't know what to expect. Where we're going to park, set-up, etc.
The Lighthouse is booked
There are other hotels like the Quality Inn at the Thornburg exit off of I-95
Camping is available in several of the areas campgrounds.
This is just an observation from the past years as to what usually happens.
Thursday Night Some of us will be arriving then. Generally, people are on your own for food, but the party usually finds itself out back of the Lodge.
Friday More and more people pour in, others are out on the lake.
In the afternoon, we are going to have the afternoon cruise around the lake before putting them away for the night. More details will follow as we get closer and we'll have a starting point and direction. Getting to the sandbar end of the lake might be a task with so many boats and a couple of narrow bridges to passs under.
Friday Night Generally a good night for potluck, or fend for yourself. In the past we've had people bring out trays of something they've made or bought and everyone shares.
Saturday This is it. For those that were lucky enough to get some decent sleep the night before, you might want to head to Jack's place early. He has arranged to have a plane and 2 photographers make passes over us. According to Jack, the best time for this is going to be 10 am, where that is the best lighting for the day. Several more concrete tie offs have been put out for us. The Lake Anna gang is treating us to a Fish Fry and Pig Roast. This is one area that we need everyones help. It is our duty to provide all of the sides. If you plan on eating, please contribute. You don't have to make a dish to feed 100 people, or even 20, but if everyone were to bring something, its gets covered quickly. Most people that have been to one of these before knows what it takes. If people are showing up "single" and dont have someone to make a dish for them, let us know, we'll hook you up.
My wife and I will be taking the dishes you bring, over to Jacks to be kept until needed. We will make several trips if needed between Thursday and Saturday. That way, if you show up Thursday, you don't have to worry about keeping it cold. We'll get everything taken care of. They will also be able to heat them over there and we don't have to transport them in the boats. They are planning to have this served up and ready to chow down at 2pm.
The action you see in the videos and photos happens whenever you want it to. Run your boat, make noise, and soon others will follow. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be safe out there. There are going to be a lot of fast boats out there. We want everyone safe. We will draw alot of attention and the fishermen will hate us. I also want to point out that this is Jack's personal property. He has invited us as a group. He was kind enough to try us out a few times before, and is willing to let us have a go at it again. I want people to understand that if you smoke, find a place to put your butts. Hopefully you have pockets that close, or velcro or zippers or a can or your boat. The lake might seem like a tempting place to put them, but they all wash up on shore right at Jacks beach. I'm just asking that people have respect for the lake and the area that he has invited us to. Please tell this to your passengers also.
Saturday Night
The Dinner This year, its catered!!! No more cooking, cleaning, storing food, bringing a bunch of stuff that gets thrown away later or somehow ends up in my box to come home and try to find the rightful owner of a can opener and spatula. I'm tired of lugging all that crap up and down those stairs. So we are having Dave's Famous BBQ come out and do it up for us. On the menu are ribs, BBQ, chicken, steaks and all the sides. Wideopen will fill us in on exactly whats being served up. Then you can go through the line, get what you want and pay for it on your own. Go back and do it again if you want. I would guess the average plate to cost around $7, but if you're a big eater, it'll go up. We will have another thread going for a head count on the dinner so that Famous Dave's can come prepared.
The Raffle Always a fun event. Wideopen busts his ass getting this stuff together, and several people have also donated items to this. This year, we are asking everyone to bring something to raffle off. It doesn't have to have anything to do with boating. It doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant. You can donate it annonymously, or put your name on it for recognition. If its an adult item, please wrap it so if there are any kids there, they don't see it. Jack has a few sponsors lined up for raffle items like 25 gallons of Cam2, or race fuel, and some other things. (My wife cleaned up my desk and I can't find my notes right now).
The Bar Once again, asking people to bring a bottle of your preferred drink. I do stock the bar with things that I usually have around, especially the margaritas, but it does get expensive on big weekends like this. Alot of people in the past have donated or brought their own bottle to share and I thank you. We don't charge for drinks, its more like a liquor cabinet.
The Band Yup...we got a band this year to play Saturday night. Details to follow.
Sunday Recouperate. Nothing planned at all. You'll find a bunch of us out on the lake, and some people will be leaving. We usually go back to Jacks and hang out. I hope that we are welcome there and have a positive image with him and the neighbors. Others go to the Sandbar at the other end of the lake or wherever you may want to go.
The T Shirts A thread will be popping up so we can begin a count of how many we're going to need. The artwork is awesome and some things need to be moved around so we can put them on shirts.
The Weather There is nothing we can do about the weather, other than hope its a beautiful weekend. We can always count on a thunderstorm to blow through, so don't let that stop you.
Did I forget anything? I have to find those damn notes.
As with anything...these can change without notice. We are trying to make this the best that we can, but also make it as easy as possible for everyone involved.