Kerry's advisors must have told him to attack the President every time he spoke because that's what he did. It was disgraceful to see Kerry treat the President like that - the man continues to show he has no class.
One thing that was obvious to me tonight is Kerry's BS financial schemes. Kerry harps on the tax break Bush gave to the rich and Kerry claims he will roll it back if elected.
He also claimed that with the money gained from the increased tax revenue from the rich he would:
1. pay for healthcare for everyone
2. pay for social security
Kerry is out of his mind on these issues. He's using a rubber calculator.
Healthcare for everyone will cost this country more than a TRILLION dollars and it will drive taxes up like we've never seen before. Increased tax revenue from rich people won't be a drop in the bucket against this cost.
Social security cannot be paid for by increased tax revenue from the rich. It's another bogus argument and it demonstrates Kerry clearly has no sound financial plans.
Kerry's a desperate pit bull attacking the President relentlessly and he got his ass handed to him in the debate tonight.
America cannot afford to have a man who has disgraced himself in attacking the President, disgraced himself with his senate record and disgraced himself when he came back from Vietnam.