The scene around here has been getting old with all the insults and Whackers vs Jets, Whackers vs V drives etc etc. Kim Hanson is a flaming homosexual retard this and Uncle Tony is crotch scratching mangina that. I just want to give a forum apology to all that I have offended.
I am sorry that Kim Hanson is a flaming homosexual and drinks way too much. I apologize for uncle Tony being a self proclaimed bad ass with a whacker when he really is nothing more than a chump. It is not his fault (well, it really is) but he can't help it and I am sorry. I am sorry that Uncle Tony blows up motors more than anyone. I am sorry that he can't be the big dog in the Whacker world. I am sorry that the Shaw brothers have made him their lilttle b it c h. He does not deserve that. I am sorry that Lucky has so little a life that he swings on the whackers nuts. Why should it upset me that he is a Jungle Jimming closet canatard? I apologize if I offended you. I am sorry that Hippy is built like the "hangman" figure. I should not make fun of somebody that when turned sideways and sticks his tongue out he looks like a Zipper. He needs love too. I am sorry that there are not more Rolands out there. It is sad that the leader of the group is so cool but the others are such dribble. I am very sorry that Jim Anderson owns these guys. Jim should understand that he is dealing with the whole yellow short bus including its driver Uncle Tony. I am sorry that UCLAhater has made a mockery out of this group.
Please accept my heartfelt apology guys. I am sorry for any offensive remarks and I will learn from my mistakes.
With great respect,