So our family went to the gradiation type ceremonny for Duece who is 3 school, the preschoolers 3 and 4 dont really grad. they just got awards, and its a christian school, and my family kinda stands out there as we do every where with our tattoos and our say anything mouths. Well rather than most helpfull or best dressed . . . etc. etc. . . . He got the Messy Monster award. It might as well been a Baby Rat Fink award as far as i was concerened. It was kool, and all the other kids and parents know him and was lookin at me and smiling oppisite of how they are usually snikkering at me . . . I was PROUD. .. . Wait till they see the 57 do a big smokey after school the last day which is next week when i pick him up ! ! !