Im a little curious why so many people dog on frenchie. iIremember hearing the dog spanking thing. He was clowning around. I hope but if not its been a while. and im guessing he has something to do with a board members wife bunking up. Shouldnt that be between the 3 of them. I read earlier this week a thread about someone else talking shit about another relationship and then agian about park moabi fight. and these 2 have strained relationships.
Things happen. people make mistakes. I feel as though, These things seem to be tearing apart people in here. Nobody helps when the turn it into a one sided bashing. What happens at 1 moment should be left at that time. Allow people to change, Be themselfs.
I feel as though the bashing should stop. People here proably make frenchie feel like shit. He seemed like he was cool with alot of you. Quit being sheeps, Make your own path.
This is my .02 cents. I know that I proably have misspelled words, But I hope I at least have puncuation