ok, as any one that has met me ( if u meet me you party ) knows.... cs19, is a FAG... ,but, i willl testify under oath... he is a pile of shit. but seriousely... i stoped racing soley because he is the most bitchen jet boat driver on earth.... and further more his boat is a force to be recond with ( much like the second coming of christ!!!!! )...... no but on a somewhat seriouse (im the worst speller ever) note... he really is a chase you down and race you type a guy... sooooooooo..... i here buy challenge any and all comers to an all out pink slip race.... i call it the 1st anal... bash the king with what ever you can bring... international.... ok, anyways; so he is tryin to get more peps to the track.... well, one day we will all come togather. when we do we will call ourselves the boatformers.... anywhooooooooooe, i know how all you slow ass losers feel... ive already dealt and been dealt with by this so called "GOD" truth be told he's a sucker for stress... and if you want to see him cry... all ya gotta do is show him a picture of me flexin.... ok, i gotta go back to work (the man doesnt race)..... and btw i have been drinkin heavily, and i am gonna opporate equiptment in your nieborhood.... if the freeway is closed tonoght, thank god... one of these days ill show you punks how it's done........ btw MR. STEEL COMP... dont get smart... it's bound to make your head hurt.... "PEACE OUT" (I TURNED OVER A NEW TURD)...... NELSON#10900000000000000... I PLAYED THE LOTO & IM FEELIN UN LUCKY!!!!!!