I was just on CNN.COM and all I could see was bad news. so I was thinking to myself .... " self, is there any good news on the news"?
just wondering?
I just saved a ton of money on my auto insurance with Geico.
Just kidding...Geico sucks.
But, you make a very valid point. Not only is the news obsesses with doom and gloom (can't blame 'em cuz it sells), they are also obessed with celebrities(again it sells). The news used to pride themselves on mostly serious issues, but then they had to compete with all the sensationalized crap...so they all sold out.
My solution? I don't have t.v. service in my house...no antenna, no cable, no satelite...nuthin except vidoes in our t.v.! How do we get our news? We get the WSJ, I listen to AM radio a bit, and online where we can pick and choose the stories we want to read...just like news. The WSJ runs articles on celebrities and so forth...but I can choose to ignore them. Because we don't have any t.v. service...we don't leave the t.v. on for "background noise." One side effect of not having the t.v. on is that I have 4 kids within 6 years.