I think she is 100% correct and why we need someone besides a Clinton or a Bush in office. Could you imagine, Bush VP then Bush President then Clinton President then Bush President then Clinton again??? No thanks! I am thinking we give someone else a shot at running the USA for a while.
Jun 30, 12:18 PM (ET)
(AP) Democratic Presidential hopeful, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., answers questions during the...
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MIAMI (AP) - "A clean sweep" is needed at the White House because President Bush has fostered "a culture of cronyism, corruption and incompetence," Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday.
The Democratic presidential candidate told nearly 1,000 women at a fundraiser that she would have much work to do at the White House if she won election in 2008.
"After eight years of the Bush administration, we are going to be shocked by what we find," the New York senator and former first lady said. "Somebody said to me the other day if there was ever a time for a woman president it's now because we're going to have to do a lot of cleaning."
The women, many of who brought their daughters to the $100 per plate "Women for Hillary" breakfast, applauded wildly.
"Grab your buckets, grab your brooms (wow, stereotype ?)," Clinton said. "We're going to have to do a clean sweep because there has been a culture of cronyism, corruption and incompetence."
Sen. Clinton said Bush has squandered the budget surplus that her husband, former President Clinton, left and damaged the nation's standing in the world with a shortsighted approach to diplomacy.
"It is important to be both smart and tough," Clinton said. "I have no illusions about how hard this job is. I have seen it closely. It is always hard, and after President Bush and Vice President Cheney, it is really going to be hard."
The Republican National Committee responded that women will not support Clinton based on her position on major issues.
"If Hillary Clinton thinks women will support her candidacy simply based on her gender she is mistaken," RNC spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson said. "Women, like men, will vote for a candidate because they share their views, and Hillary's consist of higher taxes, bigger government and waving a white flag in the global war on terror."
Clinton and fellow Democrats in the crowded 2008 field planned to participate later Saturday in a forum sponsored by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. The group was holding its convention at Walt Disney World.