First off John, I really appreciate where your coming from on WalMart and I actually agree too pretty much all you post about it and say about it. Now then here's my take which is entirely a view of what it might be, could be, or actually is about the WalMart mystique or whatever we label it to be.
A little history. Back in the 60's and 70's the great American auto machine had their support industries, we call them Tier 1 & 2 Suppliers today, located in small towns throughout the midwest and I suppose other regions. These suppliers basically did the same thing as today's Miquiladoras(sp) which are located on the Mex/US border. They were essentially parts assembly plants and manufacturers of components for the auto industry. They employed mostly female and minority workers that worked for wages approx. 50% of what was being paid on the "lines" in the auto factories. They had minimal benefits and managed to work around what benefits were offered in the big "shops".
What was it they provided? Jobs for wives, single women, divorcees, and others with little or no marketable skills. Actually everyone was very pleased because the wages, although a fraction of the factory wages, paid far more than the local economies which at the time were dominated by "Mom and Pop" owned small businesses and agriculture. It was pretty much a good thing for most everyone. Higher than average local small town wages, reasonably priced labor for the product, and mainly a secondary tier of jobs for unskilled labor to get a start.
What happened? Labor Unions pushed and pushed and made these jobs unaffordable to the Big 3 and off they went to Mexico and beyond.
Today Walmart offers essntially the same thing. It's basically in my opinion a lot like the intent of the minmum wage, a job to help out or to supply secondary income. It also allows public access to reasonably priced products that if sold by union driven and benefit laden wages would make a lot of things unaffordable to a large segment of society.
Just obsevations John, no investiating required. I'm not by any means a Walmart fan, I just view it as something of more benefit than not. It serves a purpose.
My point is that WalMart is today's economic repalcement for "Second Tier" jobs. It is what it is, a starting point and somewhere that many folks use to survive. Will you get rich, not likely. But it serves a purpose and it definitely allows a major portion of the nation to afford items that probalby would beyond their financial reach.
Your points were very easy to understand.