Good idea,
I guess our sense of humor aka "stress relief"
might offend others...
At the end of the day none this really amounts to much and is just semantics. A lot of it is just perception or perhaps opinion based on past experiences. Most of us partly understand what EMT/Flight/Fire and LE contribute and must go through. My nephew is an EMT in inner city Baltimore an I get the stories and I can understand the inner joking and stress relief stuff and have heard it.
The general public on the other hand would like to believe you guys are 110% focused on saving lives, as we know you are. So when a professional in the field of saving lives publicly portrays himself as a death flight medic it seems in contrast to what everyone wants to think of when they think of a medical professional coming in to save a life. Trust me, when my 2 year old lay bleeding to death on our kitchen floor and my wife held him from bleeding to death, if the EMT said I am calling the air corpse-taxi it would not have been good.
At the end of the day most of the banter here is just opinions to which everyone has a right to one. Perhaps the best thing to do here in this forum is to agree to disagree but that would not be any fun I'm done