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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #1
    LEOs, with triple backup handguns on your ankles, this question isn't for you.
    Here's the scenario - we took the grandkids to the Christmas light show at CALM, Bakersfield's local zoo. We saw all the lights, rode the train, froze, had hot cocoa, and went back to the cars. As we got in there was a bit of a row outside the car next to us, something about her (the wife's) scumbucket brother standing them up after they bought the ticket for him, or words to that effect. There's a kid in a stroller, and one strapped in the car already. The disagreement starts to turn physical, with her in his face, then he grabs her arm (there has been a fair amount of screaming at this point) and jerks her. He never actually struck her that I could see, and I was only about a parking stall away.
    I was unarmed except for a cell phone, which I was about to toss to my wife. I did have backup, but didn't it know at the time; my SIL is an unsworn Deputy and was watching, but was across two lanes, and there was a guy in the car in front of us who was waiting for me to act.
    Anyway, I open the door and start to get out, at which time the whole thing stopped. My action apparently woke up dorkboy to the common knowledge that it is considered impolite to hit girls, even if they are bigger than he is, and that doing so in public might have negative consequences rather quickly. My wife says, "don't go out there", thinking of the guy who got stabbed a month or so ago in a similar situation.
    So, what would you do? Get out? Call 911? Help him wail on her? I have no fanatasies that I could take him, or her, or expecially both of them. While just opening the door defused the situation, was I stupid to do it?
    Oh, they were kissing as we drove off.

  2. #2
    Yeah, I was thinking that afterwards, but I could't just ignore it, either. I got out without thinking, and it worked out. Wasn't even scary until later LOL

  3. #3
    Welcome to the 08
    I probably would have called 911 But who really knows until you are faced with the situation yourself

  4. #4
    When you step in, most of the time you will have both of them jump all over you even though the wife is beaten bloody she still "loves her man". Call 911 and leave.

  5. #5
    I would have just drove on. Domestics never end well for the people trying to help out.

  6. #6
    Unless I felt her life was in iminent danger i would not have done anything.. Geting in the middle of a domestic disturbance will most likely end up with both of them against you and you in handcuffs..
    Be a good witness and call 911. If you feel he is going to kill the bitch then i would have pulled and plugged him full of holes.. However seeing as that was not the case then just be a good witness.

  7. #7
    Fuk'em let them kill each other, and get a good ring side seat.

  8. #8
    Well, were I not an armed retired LEO, I would do my best to be the best possible witness, getting plate numbers, calling the cops, etc.
    It is a very personal decision for anyone to insert themselves into something like this; with my disability problems my days of wrestling with some assclown on the street are over.Most of these 'tards do this on a regular basis, many are tweaking, some are packing. None are yer basic decent family sort, or they wouldn't be doin' this shiznit in the first place.
    I would be the witness described above, right up until one of the children was put in harms way or a felony whipping gets going, like somebody with a baseball bat, to where I was convinced someone might die if I did not take some action.
    At that point, I'd make a decision.

  9. #9
    Me and the wife were on our way home from going out to eat one nite and we saw a couple come out of a bar and the guy was slapping his girlfriend, wife? around.. That sh!t doesnt sit well with me.. I pull over to help and next thing is SHE'S kicking his @ss. My wife says "I dont think she needs your help" My wife was right. Should have made a 911 call.. Glad i didnt get involved. Just about the time you think your helping.. Next thing they might both be stomping on your head..

  10. #10
    Well, were I not an armed retired LEO, I would do my best to be the best possible witness, getting plate numbers, calling the cops, etc.
    It is a very personal decision for anyone to insert themselves into something like this; with my disability problems my days of wrestling with some assclown on the street are over.Most of these 'tards do this on a regular basis, many are tweaking, some are packing. None are yer basic decent family sort, or they wouldn't be doin' this shiznit in the first place.
    I would be the witness described above, right up until one of the children was put in harms way or a felony whipping gets going, like somebody with a baseball bat, to where I was convinced someone might die if I did not take some action.
    At that point, I'd make a decision.
    What he said. It's bad enough doing that stuff when you are in full uniform. One of them calls 911 cuz they're getting their ass kicked, you show up and one or the other or both are now trying to kick your ass. Fok that! I guess the positive in this is taking them side by side into the E.R. to get the taser darts removed and cleared for booking!!!

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